US Treasuries & Economic Indicators Time Series
Constant maturity yield
Fed Funds Targets & RRP
Yield Differentials
Inflation - CPI (CPI-U All Items)
These datasets represent the Consumer Price Index published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), a commonly used economic indicator of inflation. The CPI-U for all items dataset can be displayed here as percentage changes from month-to-month or year-to-year. The monthly figures are seasonally adjusted by the BLS to smooth out the effect of predictable, calendar driven shifts in the price of goods and consumer behavior. Annual figures are not seasonally adjusted. More information about BLS seasonal adjustments is here.
Because the BLS may revise seasonally adjusted figures within the last 5 years, we provide options which allow you to see the monthly seasonally adjusted figures as the latest revision, or as they were originally reported. The annualized, not seasonally adjusted figures do not undergo revisions from BLS.
Inflation - PPI Final Demand
These datasets represent the Producer Price Index published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), an economic indicator of inflation. It measures the price of goods, services, and construction sold by domestic producers, and is intended to provide an early signal of potential inflationary pressures in the supply chain. The Fed closely monitors this indicator, making it influential to interest rate policy. Month to month percent comparisons are seasonally adjusted by the BLS in a similar manner to the CPI-U MoM dataset.
Real GDP Percent Change
As reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
Unemployment Rate
As reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics
Overview and Usage
View and compare historical interest rates and other vital economic indicators by using the checkboxes above. Date range can be adjusted at the top. The "Yield Differentials" checkboxes can be used to identify time periods of yield curve inversion.
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